domingo, 30 de janeiro de 2011

peace, pace, space and paz.

sábado, 29 de janeiro de 2011

em meu coração, aconteceu algo ruim. um abandono. alguma coisa. já não sei o que faço. queria um colo, uma mãe. queria minha salvação. minha companhia de volta...

segunda-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2011

ohh, how beautiful is when the sea crash on rocks...

just listen: how beautiful is sea's song. when you relax and let entire music get inside of you. in heart. let it be. it could be love, i mean love such as: faith. maybe you can let that be just fake, just ilusion. another way you can say to yourlself how it is delightful. please just don't try to throw away all those opportunities you had and, you will have. try to be polite and grab that with you. it is just what i want. afterwards of all bad happened by my fault. i let you blame. i let you walk on me and after i ask: be polite and don't forget me, please.